
Good feelings for '24: multi-page, here we come!

👋 I'm @ndyg

If you're thinking, what a shambles: I hear you. It's currently only possible to maintain a single cross.stream page from Stacks. I'm experimenting with ways to go multi-page.

On the Workbench

  • Stacks - A terrific clipboard manager.
  • chat-app - Experimenting with composing services using shell scripts.
  • Enchanted Animal Rescue - Rescue forest animals while exercising your clipboard manager skills.
  • nu_plugin_from_sse - nu plugin to parse a server sent events stream to structured records
  • nu_plugin_from_http - potentially nu http commands, as a plugin + http serve ./sock { .. }

Welcome to my digital garden 🪴


Threads I'm pulling on with cross.stream

User facing

  • Digital Garden
  • Build your own tools


  • Stream driven development (event source)
  • Small tools (~= embrace the shell)

Digital Gardening (meta)

Non-homogenous gardens

Many people have lamented the web's slow transition from unique homepages to a bland ocean of generic Wordpress themes. Digital gardening is part of the pushback against the limited range of vanilla web formats and layouts we now for granted.

🤔 Given the essence of digital gardening and the need to counter the standardization of web formats, it's essential for cross.stream to enable users to write HTML and CSS directly





https://utteranc.es - let's you use GitHub issues for blog comments

via @hialexwang's https://dragonman225.js.org/notablog.html landing page

Thoughts on the above TIL:

  • need a way to surface the underlying clip's meta-data: particularly: first touch / most recent touch
  • twitter's auto-linking and default styling is very ergonomic: the 2 links the @mention above become links: its really very wiki-ish